Canada FlagNova Scotia (NS) Postal Codes

Explore list of all Postal Codes in Nova Scotia, Canada or Retrieve Nova Scotia Postal codes instantly with interactive lookup map.

Explore List of all Postal Codes in Nova Scotia (NS), Canada with our comprehensive directory. Whether you're a resident, a business owner, or a traveler, our curated list provides a detailed overview of the unique postal codes that define the diverse neighborhoods and regions of the State Nova Scotia. Discover the intricacies of each Postal Code, from bustling urban centers to tranquil suburban enclaves. Our user-friendly guide aims to assist you in navigating and understanding the distinct regions encapsulated by Nova Scotia's Postal Codes, offering valuable insights for residents and visitors alike.

To find a comprehensive list of Postal codes in Nova Scotia (NS), please refer to the table below or click on any location on the Interactive map to instantly find the postal code and address for your mail's destination:

List of Postal codes in Nova Scotia (NS)

AreaPostal codeDetails
Alder PointB1Y
Bedford NorthwestB4B
Bedford SoutheastB4A
Big Bras d'OrB1X
Canso region - Havre BoucherB0H
Christmas IslandB1T
Cobequid Bay north shore - SpringhillB0M
Dartmouth EastB2Z
Dartmouth East CentralB2W
Dartmouth Morris LakeB2V
Dartmouth North CentralB2X
Dartmouth NorthwestB3B
Dartmouth South CentralB2Y
Dartmouth SouthwestB3A
Digby Neck - DigbyB0V
East BayB1J
Eastern PassageB3G
Glace BayB1A
Halifax Bedford BasinB3M
Halifax CentralB3L
Halifax Lower HarbourB3H
Halifax Mid-Harbour Nova Scotia Provincial GovernmentB3J
Halifax North West ArmB3P
Halifax SouthB3R
Halifax South CentralB3N
Halifax Upper HarbourB3K
Halifax WestB3S
Hants County - ShubenacadieB0N
Isthmus of Chignecto - River HébertB0L
Kings County - KingstonB0P
Loch LomondB2E
Lower Sackville NorthB4G
Lower Sackville SouthB4C
Lower Sackville WestB4E
Mainland east shore - LunenburgB0J
Marion BridgeB1K
New GlasgowB2H
New WaterfordB1H
North Sydney NorthB1V
North Sydney South CentralB2A
North Victoria County - DingwallB0C
Port HawkesburyB9A
Port MorienB1B
Porters LakeB3E
Queens County - ShelburneB0T
Reserve MinesB1E
Southern Northumberland Strait - PictouB0K
Southwest Mainland - WeymouthB0W
Sydney CentralB1S
Sydney EastB1M
Sydney NorthB1N
Sydney North CentralB1P
Sydney SouthwestB1L
Sydney WestB1R
West Annapolis County - MiddletonB0S
West Cape Breton Island - BaddeckB0E
West Lunenburg County - New GermanyB0R

Interactive Map of Nova Scotia (NS) Postal codes

Interactive Postal Code lookup Map: To lookup for addresses or postal codes, simply click the search button in the top left corner and enter your desired location or postal code. Alternatively, clicking on any location on the map will instantly reveal its postal code and address details. For your current location, click the 'Current location' button (↗) and allow location permission to retrieve postal code and address information. For a more immersive experience, engage fullscreen mode to maximize your exploration capabilities and enable smooth navigation with scroll gestures.

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